Best svn client for mac
Best svn client for mac

best svn client for mac

  • Another vote for SCPlugin for Finder integration, but will definitely give this Syncro a try thanks Aral!.
  • I use the SubClipse within Eclipse, and it works perfectly.
  • It works great if you don't have to access secured repositories.
  • There is a TortoiseSVN-a-like client for OSX named SCPlugin.
  • Personally, though, I still prefer the command line! :) Comments

    best svn client for mac

    PC users are spoiled with the excellent TortoiseSVN but the few clients that exist on the Mac, well, how should I put it, umm, suck. It's the only SVN client I've found that is actually usable on OS X.

    best svn client for mac

    Seb just asked for Mac SVN client recommendations on Twitter and I realized that I hadn't blogged about Syncro SVN.

    Best svn client for mac