Blizzard sorceress diablo 2 build
Blizzard sorceress diablo 2 build

blizzard sorceress diablo 2 build

Since the Snow Yeti have a stun attack, there’s no way your mercenary can defeat them. To unlock Pindleskin you have to free Anya, the fastest way with a Blizzard Sorceress is to lure those Snow Yeti away from her with good teleports and talk to Anya +townportal and free her with the potion from Malah. If you glacial spike his minions and cast blizzard upon them when he is alone, just telekinesis and watch your mercenary kill him (assuming you have a decent weapon for him), it may be slow (due to Decrepify), but not difficult. If your mercenary isn’t that strong, you can cast Telekinesis on the monster to stun him, so eventually, your mercenary kills him. My suggestion is that you farm Ancient Tunnels until you get some decent mercenary weapon (even unupped Hone Sundan will do), then kill everything you can and static the last one. The Travincal High Council, most of them aren’t cold-immune, but one is 100%. The only non skippable cold-immunes for that are:

blizzard sorceress diablo 2 build blizzard sorceress diablo 2 build

After that just teleport to the Summoner and Duriel to get to act 3. Just teleport away from any cold-immune monster unless it’s unskippable.įor the Clawviper Temple, I can only suggest just to teleport to the Altar to get the Amulet. The key to this build is to enable farming Mephisto Hell and later Pindleskin/Ancient Tunnels (and very later, if you want to, the Cow Level). Luckily for us there are no cold-immunes that can’t be dealt with properly. So here’s how to tackle those cold immunities. In general, the damage of Blizzard is enough to kill anything not cold-immune. Low / High budget setups for Rune Finding For Hell, you should have at least this:.

Blizzard sorceress diablo 2 build